VANDALISM: Our Specialty!



& Destruction of Property

If you are the owner of uninhabited property or land, you know how difficult it is to keep people out.


You probably know about copper wire and what

vandals will do to get it out of your property.

Vandalism and trespassing have become an even

more serious issue as the "Urbex" trend of

YouTubers recording themselves breaking into

buildings to 'explore' them. They glorify this as

being interesting and cool. While we don't dispute

the 'cool' factor, after their video is public the entire

world can then view the property, find it, and go

there themselves.

These are only two of the many issues owners of

vacant properties these days.

We have extensive experience with uninhabited

locations and finding people who frequent them.

Now that social media posts of trespassing have

become a 'trend', owners of uninhabited properties

are more at risk than ever before.

Allow us to help you, even before the vandalism
