In a struggling economy, the number of fraudulent insurance claims is skyrocketing. Insurance companies, employers, and other agencies need the talents of a legal professional to make their case, and that’s where your law firm comes in. As a law professional, you’ve seen more than your fair share of fraudulent claims, and you know the difficulty in proving them. Only undeniable, factual information and hard evidence are admissible. That’s where we come in. We can get the evidence you need.

Disability fraud occurs when someone makes a false claim for injury that did not actually take place and is the recipient of payment(s) intended for the disabled from a government agency or private insurance company. Creating a medical condition in order to collect payment from a company or the government.

Disability claims often involve an individual claiming that his or her quality of life is hindered, or bodily movement limited, due to chronic pain. The claim of chronic pain is frequently challenging for one to prove from a medical standpoint; therefore, insurance companies are at times in a bind, causing them to turn to private investigators.

We can deal with disability benefits fraud for you.